In 2021, my husband and I came down with COVID. We went to the hospital to have treatment, but when we came home, I knew I wouldn’t make it another night. My husband rushed me back to our small hospital where they sent me on an ambulance two hours away, to a bigger hospital.
I spent 8 days in the ICU, then I came home with oxygen. When I got home, my golden retriever, Copper never left my side.
He was protective of me the entire time I was on oxygen.
A couple of months later, we were outside with the kids. I saw my golden take off running as if he would attack the boys I was watching. I knew he wouldn’t do that, but he had me scared.
Next, he picks up a 4-foot bullsnake, runs away from the kids, and shakes it until it dies. Then he calmly walks over and sits down right beside me. He protected the kids from being bit.
I could go on and on about why they make great family dogs, but seriously, If you take one home, you’ll never regret it.
The only time they break your heart is when God calls them home.